
Start Your Skate Business

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Feeling stuck and burnt out in your business?

Let's face your struggles head on, and overcome them to increase your revenue.

From personal doubts to marketing struggles, from maintaining staff to low sales, I’ll help you tackle your toughest challenges. Together, we’ll build a profitable, predictable, and scalable skate business.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if running a skate business was as easy as signing up for a coaching program and instantly turning your shop or park into a goldmine?

Sounds like a dream, right? But let’s be real.

It’s not as easy as some people think.

Two major problems I’ve seen in both skate shops and skateparks are mostly sales and staffing.

Have you been up late at night, worrying about your sales figures or how to keep your staff productive?

Maybe you’re spending countless hours trying to nail down the right pricing, boost your profit margins, and find effective ways to sell your products or services.

Or maybe you’re having a hard time keeping your staff busy, scheduling them well, paying them fairly, and giving them the training and support they need.

You’re probably stuck in a loop of self-doubt and frustration, seeing little to no progress despite your efforts.

It’s time to break that cycle.

The solution isn’t just in working harder; it’s in working smarter.

Hi, I’m Brett

Your Skate Business Coach

I’ve built multiple successful skateparks and shops, including Skate The Foundry, which serves thousands across the tri-state area.

By creating efficient systems to automate operations, I was able to build a more efficient and profitable business model.

And I’m here to help you do the same.

Let’s turn your challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

Our Solution: SYSB’s 1:1 Coaching Program

At Start Your Skate Business (SYSB), we offer personalized 1:1 coaching designed specifically for skate shop and park owners. My program offers:

  • Customized Business Plans: We’ve got custom business plans that are tailored just for you, based on your specific needs and goals, and designed to fit your market and target audience. This plan will also cover areas such as:
    • Automated Systems: We also want to build efficient systems that will help your business run like a well-oiled machine, making everything more efficient and boosting your profits.
    • Marketing Mastery: We’re on it with all the latest techniques to help you attract and keep customers, from social media to local advertising.
    • Operational Guidance: Need tips and guidance on how to manage inventory and keep your day-to-day operations running like clockwork? Let me help.
    • Staff Training: No time or knowledge to train new staff? I can offer training programs with videos and SOPs from my company, Skate The Foundry, to help train your new staff without you having to be directly involved.
  • Ongoing Support: And remember, we’re here for ongoing support to help you stay on track and handle any challenges that come your way.

The Coaching Roadmap

1. Clarify Goals

Let’s kick things off by getting crystal clear on your business goals. By defining specific and actionable objectives tailored to your unique needs and vision, we’ll lay a rock-solid foundation for your success.

2. Detailed Diagnostic

Without understanding your current operations, it’s challenging to identify what’s working and what needs improvement. We’ll dive deep into your current business operations to understand where you stand, providing a comprehensive overview to inform our next steps.

3. Implement Systems/SOPs

We’ll then focus on ironing out any inconsistencies and inefficiencies by providing and integrating standardized operating procedures and systems. This will help streamline your operations for smoother sailing ahead.

4. Coaching Support

Ongoing challenges and unforeseen issues can derail progress without proper support. You’ll have my ongoing support to ensure continued success and tackle any emerging challenges, keeping your business on track.

Here's what skate business owners are saying...

“Start Your Skate Business has been extremely helpful with growing my skate business. Brett is a very knowledgable, kind and open individual with quite a few awesome tips to help grow your business in the skateboard industry! Definitely would recommend.” — Evan D.

“I had my first lesson with Brett and it was great! Brett made me feel good about learning and he is extremely good at teaching. I am looking forward to going back for more lessons and eventually… more boarding!” — Joe C.

“This is a great program! I love it. Brett helped me to get the tricks and is REALLY KIND.” — Victor B.

What are YOUR options?

We have two powerful coaching options to help you transform your skate business. Whether you’re looking for an intensive deep dive or a quick strategy boost, we’ve got you covered. Check out our offers below and choose the one that fits your needs.

Skate Business Power Session

✅ Personalized Business Assessment:

Let’s start by understanding your unique business challenges and goals through a brief discussion or an onboarding questionnaire. This will ensure the session is tailored to your specific needs.

Quick Wins

Identify and implement quick wins that can have an immediate positive impact on your business, giving you a boost of confidence and momentum.

Custom Roadmap

Receive a personalized roadmap outlining the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. This will include specific actions and timelines to help you stay on track.

✅ Session Recording

The session will be recorded so you can review the discussion and strategies at any time, ensuring you don’t miss any important details.

✅ Follow-Up Support

Enjoy a follow-up email support one week after the coaching call to address any additional questions or challenges you might face while implementing the new strategies.

4-Day Skate Business Growth Session

✅ Comprehensive Guidance

Receive all the benefits covered in the Power Session, plus additional in-depth support and resources. This ensures you have a thorough understanding and actionable strategies to tackle every aspect of your business.

Exclusive Introductions

Gain access and introductions to key insiders within the skate industry. These connections will help you advance in your field, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations that can significantly boost your business.

Premium Content

Access my proprietary business templates that have been proven to work for skateparks and skate shops. These templates provide a solid foundation for your operations, helping you streamline processes and improve efficiency.

✅ Session Recording

The session will be recorded so you can review the discussion and strategies at any time, ensuring you don’t miss any important details.

✅ Personalized Support

Receive tailored advice and strategies specifically designed to address your unique business challenges. I’ll work closely with you to develop customized solutions that align with your goals and needs.

Ready to Transform Your Skate Business?

Now that you know the incredible value and comprehensive support you’ll receive, it’s time to take the next step towards building a thriving skate business. Don’t let common challenges hold you back any longer. Whether you choose the intensive 4-Day Skate Business Growth Session or the impactful Skate Business Power Session, you’re on the path to success.

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